Interactive installation

Table dimensions:
47.5 x 31.5 (height) inches



Installazione interattiva

Dimensioni tavolo:
cm 120 (diametro) x 80 (altezza)

What to do:
Guests sit down
and place the forefinger of their right hand on the heart sensor.
By pushing a button,
guests can change the musical tone
of their cardiac rhythm.

Experience time:
1 to 10 minutes.

RITMI is an interactive installation which allows up to four people to develop a musical game
based on the beats of their hearts.
The installation structure is composed of a wooden circular table and four stools.
On the table are four heart beat sensors, along withcontrols, plastic cylinders and four sets of brass wind-sleeves.
The visitors sit around the table and place a finger in their respectivecardiac frequency sensors.
Each visitor’s pulse is both audible (via the wind-sleeves) and ‘visible’ on luminous pulsing cylinders.
Each user has the power to alter the tone of their own cardiacrhythm.
By pressing a button, the user can choose from over onehundred different musical expressions.
In such a way a ‘symphony’ of sound is  generated and can be continuously modified, either by the cardiac rhythm which reveals the user’s emotional state, or by the intentional choices of the participant.